I pity those who can neither read nor
write. They belong in another world and no not what they miss. Just
imagine how many eyes are reading this right now, everywhere in the
world. Many are sipping in the points while some are cursing various
reasons I won’t mention. It takes some magic to arrest their attention
perennially while lamenting like Jeremiah. Nothing is more thrilling and
fulfilling than being able to express your inner feeling. It reinforces
your manhood. And preserves your legacy for posterity.
The writer is often an oracle. He sees what ordinary eyes cannot see.
He says what fickle tongues cannot express. He defends the rights of man
at greater risk to his own. He carries the sins of the world and bears
the burden and scars alone. Many of the critics’ critics actually love
him but pretend otherwise. Why read the so-called garbage week-in
week-out if you’re not addicted to roughage? I will never waste my time
to read what I don’t like. I can’t even imagine commenting on what I
dislike venomously when I can write my own. But I love my readers,
especially my perpetual faultfinders. They help sharpen my brains and
thought process and prepare me for the next one.
Let me confess that it is not easy to write every week. I would rather
spare myself the agony. But trouble is our country is in a big mess.
That is even now stale news, if not an understatement. Those wishing for
a miracle under the present arrangement are deluded day-dreamers.
Please, feel free to quote me. I have come to the sad conclusion that
our journey is still very far. And the roads are ominous, long-winding
and bumpy. I will explain my pessimism in a jiffy.
I’m used to people saying we only grumble but provide no solution. That
is not true. It does not require rocket science to fix Nigeria. We
should stop making a fetish of nonsense. Every Nigerian knows the
reasons for our intractable problems. It has been a vicious cycle
without end. I will like to describe our collective folly like this to
create a graphic picture of our woes. Just imagine your son or daughter
in school for a course of seven years. The best facilities have been
provided in order to create a good atmosphere for learning. He sits for
his examination but flunks mercilessly. The indignant parents advise him
to repeat it and try again. The result this time is even worse. The
frustrated parents insist on yet another repeat but the result is more
The elders gathered to discuss the way out of this monumental
embarrassment to the family. Exam papers for the three sessions were
requested and scrutinised. To their utter shock and befuddlement all
questions were repeated verbatim on all occasions. So why was it so
difficult to pass? Answer papers were also requested and graciously
granted by the school authorities. The parents simply fainted. Their
recalcitrant son had repeated same answers to same questions on all
three occasions. They were saddened by the revelation that their son was
such an incurable moron. How did he expect to pass when he never
changed any of the answers that made him fail on two previous instances?
Only a certified fool would repeat the same mistakes and expect
different results.
That is the sad story of Nigeria. We knew why we’ve been failing
woefully. We know we must change the answers to over-recycled questions
for us to be able to succeed. But no one is ready to try what it would
take to achieve this miracle. There is nothing new under the sun is a
popular cliché we ought to imbibe. Too many countries are our seniors in
failure. Some were even far worse than ours. We have many centuries of
human existence and experience to learn from. All we needed was to dub
their template and adapt it to our local temperament. That is the way to
go in the absence of originality. That is it.
Our mess will not leave us soon for failing to submit ourselves to the
best solutions. We can start from the simple to the sublime. The number
one solution to our myriad of complexities is good leadership which I
don’t believe will come easily. The way Nigeria is presently configured
makes it almost impossible to throw up the leaders that can speedily
energise our nation. Everyone knows that any of Godswill Akpabio, Donald
Duke, Aminu Tambuwal, Adams Oshiomhole, Babatunde Fashola, Rotimi
Amaechi, Emmanuel Uduaghan, Nasir El Rufai, Ngozi Okonjo-Iwealla, Oby
Ezekwesili, Rabiu Kwankwaso and others would instantly catapult Nigeria
to a greater height, but none of them is likely to be considered in the
next Presidential election as a lead candidate. I’m basing my
confidence in them on what they’ve been able to achieve in various
places and dispensations. But the godfathers will never pick from the
pool of our best fishes.
There are other impediments towards having some better leaders. Money
is very crucial in fighting elections anywhere in the world. A good
leader cannot rely on small donations from Nigerians like the Americans
do. Our citizens believe politics is the exclusive preserve of those who
have looted the treasury and are ready to blow it recklessly. Good
leaders are not likely to have access to loads of cash. Most donors
often prefer to work with the bad guys who won’t disturb the flow of
their illicit business. The good man who compromises his principle in
order to win election would also find it difficult to fight his patrons
on attaining power. It would even be morally wrong to do so. This is the
dilemma of a change agent.
What are the other options to explore? The good man is not necessarily a
saint but a performer. He has his blueprint for development ready. He
scans the existing political landscape but cannot derive joy and
inspiration from most of the existing platforms. The idealist decides to
form a new party like CPC or join supposed progressive party like
Labour or National Conscience. I was under such illusion but soon
discovered that Labour was radical in name but more ultra-conservative
than even the PDP in reality. I had thought the party was controlled by
the powerful unions and this would have served as a veritable
springboard for launching a blistering campaign nationwide. But the
Labour Party underrated its own potential and chose to be an alter-ego
or megaphone to the ruling party. All the lofty dreams of linking up
with the British Labour Party for expert advice and policy formulation
which I had laboured to set up went up in smoke. My leaders were not
interested in ideological excursions and adventurism. They were content
with managing whatever the rat race had to offer.
I ran to the National Conscience Party that once fielded the great Gani
Fawehinmi as its Presidential candidate. It is instructive to note that
no man ever went to prison as many times as Gani did on behalf of the
Nigerian masses. He broke in the class of radicalism. You would have
expected the massive poor community he so fervently protected to support
their greatest benefactor but that never happened. We tried our best
against all odds to carry on from where other great party members had
taken the party. We were proud to have another legal luminary, Mr Femi
Falana, SAN, as our National Chairman. He was also a veteran of Nigerian
prisons and gulag-archipelago. The great man almost spent himself blind
to build the party. Yet the same people who cried for change did not
mind us. We fought gallantly but our strength could not carry us far.
Some people who did not appreciate the magnitude of the Nigerian problem
sat in the comfort of their homes to throw darts at us. These emergency
analysts knew those qualified to rule Nigeria and we were completely
ruled out. Even some of our colleagues preferred to support the same
recycled politicians and their proxies. Everyone was qualified –police
officer, customs officer, teacher – but not a Publisher.
When people told me I had no experience in the last election, I did not
take offence because I understood the language of politics in our
clime. I was expected to have gone through the windmills of corruption,
looting, profligacy, and cap it up with incompetence. It wouldn’t have
mattered if I was a pardoned ex-convict. No one cared to lecture me on
the brilliant achievements of their experienced and God-sent Messiahs. I
simply concluded that we were not ready for credible change in Nigeria
and that all the issues I’m about to mention below would continue to
elude us for as long as we enthrone mediocrity.
Once we find that leader of our dream, he/she knows what to do
immediately. The first problem to face very squarely is how to develop
and fertilise the minds of our youths in particular and the rest of us
in general. A dead soul is worse than a dead body. Once the soul is
alive there is hope for the whole body. These can only be done through
quality education not the wishy-washy system we presently operate. Those
who killed our education practically ruined the future of Nigeria. You
need to go on social media or organise job interviews to see and
appreciate the unacceptable level of the rot. Nigeria will never get out
of this mess unless education takes priority over our current
frivolities. Education is the ultimate leveller in the world today. It
is closing the gaps between the poor and the rich. It is breaking down
age-old barriers and walls of superstitions.
Education is too crucial to be left in the hands of hard-core
politicians. By now one would have expected a serious nation to gather
the biggest egg-heads and other stakeholders in the country to declare a
state of emergency in education and come up with practical steps
towards restoring order and sanity in that sector. But what we have at
present is the same politicisation and continuation of our lukewarm
attitude to what is clearly a terrible state of tragic proportions. One
cannot see the sense of urgency needed to tackle the matter at all
levels. At best the sector continues to haemorrhage to death while our
politicians murmur their mumbo jumbo.
Who does not know that something drastic has to be done to reverse the
ugly trend which has forced our kids to run in all crazy directions in
search of good education? We have put many of these kids at the mercy of
scammers while the best among them are voluntarily donated and
permanently lost to foreign lands and territories. Who wants to tell me
that the problem has endured because we don’t know what to do? No. The
issue at stake is that politicians have decided to share and allocate
everything including the future of our kids. That is why industrial
strikes can go on ad infinitum and no one really cares.
The second answer is wealth creation through provision of jobs,
directly or indirectly by governments of Nigeria. Our students must
acquire entrepreneurial skills as part of school curriculum. Everyone
can’t be waiting for employments on Fantasy Islands. The time has come
to put an end to being too picky about jobs. Why can’t we simply agree
to see dignity in labour and accept the same menial jobs we do abroad at
home? Why can’t we improve our technical skills and upgrade our
vocational training? Nigeria is currently understaffed without any shade
of doubt in my mind. The country is massive enough to absorb most of
our youths roaming the streets today if and when we decide to put up our
thinking cap. All it takes is to reactivate and rejuvenate all our dead
sectors, especially in the area of agriculture, manufacturing and
aggressive industrialisation.
The second is naturally dependent on the third which is power. I must
commend the current effort of President Jonathan’s administration in
this sector but he needs to do much more to ensure the gains are not
frittered away in our typical manner. My palpitation is predicated on
the way the discos are looking more like scenes out of Saturday Night
Fever. Our businessmen are all running Yo-yo to acquire what they least
understand just because they see it as the latest fad. We’ve now moved
from oil to telecoms to discos. And the rat race continues. Until we
tackle power, it would be difficult if not impossible to achieve
anything tangible. Again our solution lies in the political will to take
on the many demons that litter the path to our recovery.
Once we can get to this stage, the rest would be easier to handle. But tell me who will bell the cat.
If you know, please give me a shout.
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